Digital Load Controller for Synchronous Generator (ELC) |
Digital Load Controller for Asynchronous Generator (IGC) |
By using the Digital Load Control to replace the hydraulic governor of Microhydro Power can overcome the burden of change is very large with a very quick response and the price is cheaper than DLC governor. Read detail..!
Induction Motor As Generator (IMAG) is suitable for the application of micro hydro p ower because it has a strong construction, maintenance free, runaway speed, and hold the price relatively cheaper . Read detail..! |
Digital Flow Controller (DFC) |
Synchronizer SR3 |
Digital Flow Controller (DFC) is a new generation controller for Minihydro Power. DFC works as a controller, synchronizer, protection and monitoring for the power plant. DFC is a system with automatic high-level and provide a secure operating system. . Read detail..!
SR-3 is the Interconnection controller, protection and monitoring of minihydro power. Where the system for MHP Load Control (DLC) interconnected with the grid, MHP, diesel, other power plan. SR-3 is a combination of Electronics Load Controller (DLC) and SR-3 (synchronizer). Read detail..!
Hybrid System |
Smart DLC |
The increasing needs of electricity and fluctuation load exceeds the capacity is a constraint for the small scale power plan. But with the hybrid system. Read detail..!
Not all applications of MHP can use generator with AVR due to cost limitations, Digital Load Controller (DLC) can be used to control generator without AVR. Read detail..!